Haritha Haram initiative | Telangana government | 2021

Haritha haram programme by telangana government

Haritha Haram

The program was launched by Telangana Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao on 3 July 2015. It is one of the Telangana Flagship programmes to rejuvenate degraded forests, protecting these forests from threats such as smuggling, encroachment, fire and grazing.

Telanganaku haritha haram

National forest Policy of india envisages a minimum of 33% of the total geographical area under forest/tree cover to maintail environmental stability and ecological balance; that are vital for sustence of all life- forms, human, animal and plants. Telangana ku haritha haram, a flagship programme of the telangana government envisages to increase the present 24% tree cover in the state to 33% of the total geographical area of the state. The thrust areas to achieve the above are two-fold; one, initiatives in notfied forest areas, and the other, initiatives in areas outside the notified forest areas.


The first objectives is sought to be achieved by a multi-purposed approach of rejucanating degraded forests, ensuring more effectives protection of forests against smuggling encroachment, fire , grazing and intensive soil and moisture conversation measures following the watershed approach.
Major fillip is sought to be given to social forestry for achivingthe second objective. In the area he notified forest, massive planning activities will be taken up in areas such as; road-side avenues, river and canal bank, barren hill, tank bunds and foreshore areas, institutional premises, religious places, housing colonies, community lands, muncipalities, industrialparks,etc.

Haritha haram target areas

230 crore seedlings are proposed to be planted in the state during the next three years. Out of this , 130 crores seedlings are proposed to be planted outside the notified forest aread(10 crore within HMDA limits, and the remaining 120 crores in rest of the state. It is also proposed to plant , and rejuvenate the viable rootstock to cchieve 100 crore plants inside the forest areas by way of intensive protection of the forests.
The field functionaries of various line department shave undertaken identification of sites for planting and prepared village action planes. The village action planes will be consolidated at mandal level and finally at the district level to form district action plan. At state level, Two commitees the state level coordination and monitoring commitee and the state level steering committee oversee the progress of the Telanganaku haritha haram Also read:Stamps duty rate modified in telangana
Haritha haram

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