Kanti Velugu programme | Telangana government

 Kanti velugu programme | Telangana 

The state government has embarked on a noble project of achieving "Avoidable blindness-free" Status by conducting a comprehensive and universal Eye Screening for the entire population of the state under the title 'Kanti Velugu'.

Kanti velugu programme, Telangana government,
Kanti velugu programme

The programme has been launched on 15.08.2018. 

The objectives of the Kanti velugu scheme are: 

  1. To conduct eye screening & vision tests for all citizens of the state.
  2. provide spectacles Free of cost.
  3. Arrange for surgeries and other treatments free of cost.
  4. Provide medicines for common eye ailments.
  5. Educate people on the prevention of serious disabling eye diseases.

The preparatory activities are being done at the district level:

  • Each camp team will have a medical officer, an Optometrist and 6-8 support staff like ANMs, Supervisors &ASHAs. Each team will be given a full-time vehicle.
  • About 250 persons in rural areas and 300 persons in urban areas are expected to be screened in a day in one camp, of which about 40% will be requiring treatment. 
  • A total of 799 teams are formed with 940 medical officers, 1000 optometrists and about 8000 supporting staff. All staff have been trained.
  • The campsite will be pucca building like schools/ community buildings / GP building/any other government building.
Kanti velugu scheme, Telangana government
Kanti velugu programme

The programme is expected to have a huge impact in achieving an "Avoidable Blindness Free state." The following are the estimate of coverage of the programme:
  • Total population to be covered: 350lakhs
  • No. of spectacles estimated to be distributed: 40.00lakhs
  • No. of people estimated to be given primary care: 50.00 lakhs
  • No.of people estimated to be given secondary Care: 2.6 Lakhs
  • No. of people estimated to be given tertiary care: 0.15 lakhs

Progress of kanti valugu programme

In the Rangareddy district alone, the Kanti Velugu scheme helped almost 2,96,402 beneficiaries with reading and prescription glasses in 2018-19. Rangareddy received the most benefits from the scheme, with roughly 2,48,880 beneficiaries, according to a district-by-district breakdown. The information was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request submitted by the Society for Public Safety and Good Governance.
The reading glasses distributed as part of the programme benefited a total of 23,43,642 people. There were 14,95,972 beneficiaries who received prescription glasses. According to the RTI, the entire campaign initiative received a funding allocation of Rs 196.79 crore, all of which was spent within one year of the scheme's implementation.

This is the whole scenario of Kanti velugu scheme of telangana.

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